Get the Most from Your Cerec

The best place to invest your Patterson Training Certificate

Because Dr. Waldron is Patterson–Certified, any Patterson Training Certificate you receive with your Cerec purchase can be applied toward his services.

Call now to schedule an appointment — and see how our Certified Training can help you maximize the productivity of your Cerec system.

One-on-one Training

Training in your office gives you the advantage of focused interaction with a professional trainer. Ask any question without the fear of embarassment and tailor your questions to meet the needs of your office and procedures.

Customize Your Setup

With an experienced trainer in your office, you will enjoy the benefit of a custom parameter setup - resulting in nearly "adjustment free" crowns.

Supervised Patient Care

On-site training provides the opportunity for supervised patient care. This eliminates any fear of situations that might be confusing - leading to an inability to finish a crown in one appointment. In short, "learn while you are producing revenue".