The training helped all of our staff feel comfortable using Cerec
"Dr. Waldron's training was practical and informative. The training helped..." [read more]
"Dr. Waldron's training was practical and informative. The training helped all
of our staff feel comfortable using Cerec. We started doing Cerec crowns on day
one after training and have never looked back. We also appreciate that he is
available via text or email to answer any questions we have. Thanks Gary." -
Dr. Lance Gledhill
Completely changed the way I design a restoration
"I recently took the Advance Training Cerec Course with Dr. Gary Waldron. I was pleased
with the overall level of knowledge..." [read more]
"I recently took the Advance Training Cerec Course with Dr. Gary Waldron. I was pleased
with the overall level of knowledge presented by Dr. Waldron. We accomplished quadrant
dentistry, crowns under existing RPD's, and complicated isolation of onlays and full
coverage restorations.
I was especially impressed with his intricate detail to anatomy
and high shine, no glazing oven needed when working in the posterior. He completely
changed the way I design a restoration to polish and finally cementation. I feel that
it's important to learn hands on and what better way than in your own office, one on
one while you produce." - Richard L. Anthony, DDS, Blacksburg, VA
Renewed enthusiasm in the potential of Cerec
"As you know, before your visit to my office, my Cerec and I were marginal
friends at best. Having reached the point of..." [read more]
"As you know, before your visit to my office, my Cerec and I were marginal friends
at best. Having reached the point of ultimate frustration, I did not turn on the
machine for months. During your training, you were able to quickly identify the
problem I was having with my machine and solve it, a result I could never get from
an off-site course. The restorations we made were beautiful and my patients were
thrilled not only with the results, but with your gentle and confident presence. Words
hardly seem to express how much we benefited from your training program. You renewed
our enthusiasm in indirect, in-office, all porcelain restorations and in the potential
of Cerec.
I am so glad that you teamed
up with Patterson Dental to provide this type of training. Although the other off-site
trainers are wonderful and offer many helpful tips, having you on-site helped immediately
identify my real-time difficulties which don’t often happen on a model. Thank you for
sharing your expertise and experience. I learned more than I could have imagined. It was
a joy to have you in my office; we all hated to see you leave. My staff and I are eager
to have you back again." - Pamela Caggiano, DDS, Henderson, NV
I now realize just how much I really did not know
"When we first spoke on the phone I told you that I had been using the previous version of CEREC for..."
[read more]
"When we first spoke on the phone I told you that I had been using the previous version
of CEREC for over 5 years and I just really wanted to learn about design and imaging
issues for front teeth. Bill Dickersonp's saying "you don't know what you don't know"
could not have been truer.
After spending 2 days with you in training, I now realize just how much I really did not
know... about the design of posterior teeth! The training that you have given me makes
a huge difference in the quality of the posterior restorations that I am able to produce
every day. As these are the bread and butter of my practice, you have then made a huge
difference in the overall quality of my practice and to the level of care that I am able to provide.
Yes, you did also teach me anterior design and imaging with several really cool tricks, but your
knowledge and system for the posteriors is what I really can really appreciate each time I design
a restoration. Thank you for everything."- Bard J. Levey, DDS, PLLC, Croton-On-Hudson, NY
Much more valuable than sitting in a classroom
"Before I even received delivery on my CEREC 2 years ago, I found Dr. Waldron's website and scheduled my..."
[read more]
"Before I even received delivery on my CEREC 2 years ago, I found Dr. Waldron's website and scheduled
my first 2 days in-office with him, less than a month after taking the basic training offered with
the machine. Gary exceeded my expectations during that first session, so much so that I have had
him back 4 times now for 2-day training sessions.
His knowledge of CEREC and his passion for teaching
others how to use this amazing technology comes across from the moment you meet him. To be able to
train all team members within our own office environment, on our own patients, was much more valuable
than sitting in a classroom or working on typodonts. I highly recommend Dr. Waldron and CerecOnsite!"
- Mark Sweeney, DDS, Austin, TX
Training that will save me money over my practice life
"Your training has been invaluable. I am having to replace many, ok alot, of my previously placed cerec restorations..."
[read more]
"Your training has been invaluable. I am having to replace many, ok a lot, of my previously placed
cerec restorations due to my improper technique.
It will cost me about 190,000 dollars in lost production to replace failing restorations in the next
couple of years. That equates to your training saving me hundreds of thousands of dollars over my
practice life.
Since training we have had very little sensitivity and the restorations look like natural teeth.
I would like to personally thank you." - Dr. Dan Hauck, Riverton, WY
Easily integrate Cerec technology into your office
"I believe that Cerec technology offers amazing benefits to dental practioners today! One of the challenges is..."
[read more]
"I believe that Cerec technology offers amazing benefits to dental practioners today!
One of the challenges is the learning curve necessary to master this technology. Dr.
Gary Waldron is the best solution available to help you navigate this learning curve and
easily integrate Cerec technology into your office.
Dr. Waldron makes the entire process very easy by coming to your office and working with
you in the comfort of your own surroundings to master the Cerec technology. He wisely
includes training for your team members so that everyone is 'on the same page.' He also
customizes this training to fit your specific needs.
I have referred many of my clients to Dr. Waldron with fantastic results. Dr. Waldron's
in-office Cerec training is precisely what you need to master Cerec and reap the benefits
of this amazing technology." - Gary Takacs, Practice Management Advisor